Interdistrict Society of Conformity

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    This page contains content about our Dungeons and Dragons universe, and does not represent the real world. 


The Interdistrict Society of Conformity (Hereafter referred to either as IDSOC or The Society) is a decentralised, semi-autonomous organisation which is built upon the governmental system of algocracy. The Society handles the overarching management of the districts, including the designation of them in the first place, and is the ultimate authority and regulation. Their self-assigned responsibility is to regulate and organise the server to maintain conformity and decrease the rate of regional discrepancies.

Before The Society, the world revelled in chaos. With no central authority, apartment complexes appeared next to pirate ships, cities were run by ovine councils, and industrial farms interrupted the skyline. IDSOC formed as a group of individuals with a view of changing that, to achieve that, they created the district map, a segmented view of the world, where every theme and function had a dedicated region. This concept functioned not only to group similar designs, but to encourage creativity within themes that were less well represented.

Following IDSOC’s creation, those pirate ships from before were paired with rafts and other ships, the cities began to be run by people over sheep, and industrial farms were contained to their own district. Order was restored to the world until the Seebs arrived.

First Principles

The Society itself describes its own principles as follows

1. Prohibition of Chest Creatures

All “Chest Monsters”, “Chest Goblins”, or other chest forms of fantasy creatures are strictly prohibited. Upon sight of such a creature, IDSOC members should provide warning to the owner of at least 3 daysIRL before transporting the resources to The Great Resource Hub of IDSOC.

2. The Great Resource Hub of IDSOC

Hereafter referred to as GRUB, The Great Resource Hub of IDSOC is the “holy place” of all IDSOC members. This is the place where all of the reclaimed resources are gathered and reprocessed for redistribution to those who truly need them. After all, if they’ve abandoned the items in a chest, they clearly don’t need them that badly.

“Reclaim. Return. Reuse”

In essence, GRUB is a giant storage warehouse filled with resources for free use, so if it turns out that the original holders of the items do still need them, they’re always welcome to come and retrieve them (and more) later.

3. Item References and Heretical Language Choice

All items are to be referred to by their true identity. Items are to be respected, not misused or reidentified for the purpose of religion. This includes heretical language choices such as “Seebs”, “Orese”, “Mobsew”, “Half-Slab”, and misidentifications of “Smooth Stone”.

4. Relationship with the Trains Regulation And Coordination Kommittee

T.R.A.C.K is the Kommittee that handles the regulation and coordination of the worldwide rail network. This includes keeping logs of private rail lines, along with state sponsored cross-district rail lines. IDSOC officially pronounces its support of T.R.A.C.K.

5. Centralised Rule is Disgusting.

Centralised Rule (Hereafter referred to as CR) is a system which places power in the hands of one individual. In our community we trust in the faith of each and every person, not just in a single supreme leader.

Although we do officially recognise the monarchy hosted within the Monarch’s District and its territories, we do not support it. But don’t fret because they are under surveillance and should they ever try to step out of line, The Society awaits.