Jack Spade (Character)

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    This page contains content about our Dungeons and Dragons universe, and does not represent the real world. 

General Info

Jack Spade is a D&D character created and played by JackSpade in the winter of 2021 for his first ever D&D Campaign with Edweird. Just from playing the character for the first few sessions, he fell in love with the character and began using it as his handle online and as a nickname in many larger gaming communities. Over time, more lore was written about the character, which led to what is now called The House Universe in D&D. With lots of collaboration and story telling from Edweird, Jack Spade became more than just a character, and has become a foundation for building larger-than-life organisations, as well as allowing for longevity of characters adored by the players in Reformation D&D.

This wiki page has all the current canon lore for the character, and excludes all previously retconned information. Most of this Lore has been written over a collaborative period between many people, primarily JackSpade and Edweird.


Jack Spade's journey through the world of gambling wasn't just a mere series of wins and losses; it was a tapestry woven with the threads of his family's legacy and his own relentless determination. Growing up amidst the allure of cards and dice, he absorbed the nuances of the trade like a sponge soaking up water. His father, with his magician's flair and con artist's finesse, imparted upon him the secrets of the trade, while his mother's presence in the casino provided him with an intimate understanding of the industry's inner workings.

From the tender age of 8, when most kids were still mastering basic arithmetic, Jack was already mastering the art of blackjack. By 11, he was outsmarting opponents at the poker table, and by 14, he was sneaking into casinos with the confidence of a seasoned pro. With each passing year, Jack's skills sharpened, his instincts honed to a razor's edge. He wasn't just playing games of chance; he was orchestrating symphonies of strategy and deception.

But it wasn't just skill that set Jack apart; it was his unwavering belief in his own destiny. He saw himself as more than just another gambler; he saw himself as a legend in the making, destined to etch his name into the annals of gambling history. And so, armed with his father's teachings and his mother's insights, he set out to conquer the world of high-stakes gambling.

His journey took him from the glitzy casinos of elven forests to the clandestine dens of the underdark, each new locale offering fresh challenges and opportunities for conquest. Yet it was the legendary King Dice Casino that called out to him like a siren song, beckoning him to test his mettle against the best of the best.

With a fortune amassed through years of cunning and skill, Jack set his sights on the fabled establishment, determined to carve out his place among the elite. He spared no expense in his quest, sparing no effort to secure passage to the hallowed halls of the Unseelie Court, and finally to the casino floor.

But as fate would have it, his journey would not unfold as he had envisioned. A single hand, played with the recklessness of youth and the arrogance of a gambler on the rise, would see his fortunes rise and fall in the blink of an eye. And yet, even in the face of defeat, Jack remained undeterred, his spirit unbroken by the cruel hand fate had dealt him.

With determination etched into his features, Jack strode towards the chip counter, a flicker of desperation shadowing his movements. His heart pounded against his ribcage, each beat a reminder of the stakes at hand. With a tense swallow, he summoned the courage to request a loan, his voice betraying a hint of urgency.

As the chips exchanged hands, Jack's resolve only seemed to intensify. With each subsequent loan, he felt the weight of his ambition pressing down upon him, urging him to prove himself, to transcend the limitations of his current circumstances. Yet, despite his fervent efforts, success remained elusive, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand. Each attempt to break even seemed to mock him, a cruel reminder of his inability to ascend beyond the confines of his own limitations. And yet, fueled by a potent cocktail of determination and desperation, Jack pressed on, unwilling to concede defeat.

Amidst the dimly lit ambiance of the casino, Jack found solace in the bottom of a glass, the bitter taste of defeat mingling with the tang of cheap beer. The free-flowing alcohol dulled the sting of failure, offering temporary respite from the relentless pursuit of glory. He had returned once more to squalid.

It was amidst this haze of disillusionment that Jack found himself approached by men in impeccably tailored suits, their steely gazes betraying no hint of sympathy. With a mixture of trepidation and resignation, he followed them through the imposing double doors, his fate hanging precariously in the balance.

Thrown into the depths of the casino's inner sanctum, surrounded by the trappings of wealth and power, Jack found himself face to face with the enigmatic figure who ruled over this domain. The air thick with the scent of cigar smoke and whiskey, Jack slumped in the chair provided for him, his eyes body language striking confidence, and yet the eyes of a lost child.

No one else was in the room where it happened, and no one really knows what got discussed. Jack's swift ascent from destitution to authority was as sudden as it was enigmatic, thrusting him into the inner circle of the casino as a trusted employee, driven by the pressing need to settle his debts and yearning for a semblance of normalcy.

As Jack grappled with the weight of his newfound responsibilities, the elusive truth behind the clandestine discussions remained veiled, leaving him to ponder the extent of his involvement in a game far larger than he ever imagined. Despite his earnest desire to reclaim a semblance of normality, Jack stood at the precipice of a fate far beyond his control, his journey into the heart of power poised to irrevocably alter the course of his life.


Jack Spade has always had a certain way when it comes to his mannerisms. He is often portrayed as much more cocky, arrogant and confident in his own abilities the later into his life he is portrayed. However, playing a younger version of him, he is sometimes also portrayed as being a bit wary, and while still having a fake sense of confidence, is a lot more careful and pays more attention to the details.

The following are his most notable character traits:

- Confident

- Narcisistic

- Rude toward strangers

- Monetary Centred

- Manipulative

- Cunning

- Controlling

- Charismatic

- Charming

- And more than anything... Liar

Other key traits and common mannerisms include showing off magic tricks to impress people, conning people out of gold, rigging games of chance, and romantically being involved in as many places as possible.

Notable Stories

New Beginnings - Lifetime #1

After signing a deal with the devil, Jack settled into the new threads of his job, walking the casino floor, trying to meet new people. He waited for what felt like years for his first assignment, until one day, The House pulled him into the office and gave him a task. The task was relatively simple. Recon. Go into this world, live among the people in it, and gather as much information as possible without him revealing his allegiances.

After arriving, Jack began exploring the world to find a town, where he met a small group of travellers. (Continue soon)

Interviewed Characters

For this part of the wiki page, we asked people who have met Jack Spade to describe their experiences with him and what he is like.

"Twatty, twinky, bitch boy. Also, he picked me up in one hand so I guess he's pretty strong" - Grorge

"Interesting guy, very bold" - Xanthy

"Killed my best friend, prick." - Kael Sunstrike

"Always up for a laugh, we killed a guy together. *whispers* no witnesses" - Iadoros

"Hot AF" - Kelsier

"Best boss I had, he was the only one though"- Solariel

"Fantastic collegue, always the biggest threat on the board" - Marty Nieman

"Jack reminded me of a fast car, it starts with the fun acceleration then ends in a high speed crash" - Barney Drowned

"I am obligated to say nice things" - Ricky Rock

"Funnest twink I've murdered. 10/10 I recommend. Great for stress relief." - Adora Strider

"I did a sick backflip and he said it was cool, so I guess he's chill" - Atheria Durin